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Power Systems

Title: Planning and Operation of Electric Power Systems.

Team: Profª. Thelma S. Piazza Fernandes.
Abstract: The constant growth in world and national demand requires continuous adjustments to electrical power systems (SEP). In Brazil, SEP is characterized by being a large hydro-thermo-wind system composed of thermoelectric, hydroelectric and wind power plants connected to the load centers through an extensive transmission system and distributed sources sprayed throughout the distribution system. The operation of this type of system seeks to determine generation strategies for each plant in order to minimize the expected value of operating costs for planning horizons: medium term (two to five years ahead), short term (one year ahead), daily (one day ahead) and real-time operation (half an hour ahead). For the short-term horizon, appropriate mathematical formulations must be used to carry out the dispatch of each type of generation, allocation of rotating reserves and storage systems (especially in view of the increase in intermittent sources) and in the daily horizon, adequate strategies for voltage and fault control in order to meet the demand with quality and safety requirements. Some adaptations applicable to different study horizons and necessary to meet the requirements of quality and reliability are: allocation of rotating reserves and storage elements due to the strong insertion of renewable sources; and, allocation of equipment and proposition of mathematical formulations designed to circumvent impacts due to the high level of reactive power, the growth of unbalanced loads, renewable sources, electric vehicles and battery systems. To encompass each of these challenges, the present project focuses on the short-term horizon, aiming to improve mathematical formulations that traditionally solve the problem of power dispatch by inserting some issues not yet considered in this stage of study such as sizing of rotating reserve and energy storage elements. Addressing further downstream of the electrical network (distribution networks), this project also aims to develop computational tools that support the planner's decision making so that he can make optimal application of the resources destined to improve the unbalanced active distribution system.

Title: Operation and Expansion Planning of Power and Energy Systems in the context of Smart-Grids, Microgrids, Distributed Generation with Renewable Energies and Demand Response.

Team: Prof. Clodomiro Unsihuay Vila.
Abstract: The new elements and functions that will be implemented in the modernization and digitalization process of electricity distribution networks establish new paradigms and challenges for the planning and operation of these systems. This research project aims to contribute to the feasibility of planning and operating electrical energy systems in the context of intelligent microgrids (Smart Microgrids) or simply microgrids) in conjunction with the active distribution network through computational methodologies to optimize the expansion planning and operation planning (daily schedule), respectively. This research project aims at the development of computational tools that allow the planning and operation of Microgrids and Active Distribution Networks considering the demand side management. The scientific originality of the project is based on the modeling of the Microgrids considering the distributed energy recurses such as distributed microgeneration, batteries and electric vehicles, etc. Within the Microgrids, energy management is also considered the demand response through the optimal allocation of loads considering the flexibility of loads within the consumer's electrical installation, seeking to reduce the peak demand of the feeder, reduce losses, increase energy efficiency of the system. It also aims at modeling active distribution networks, considering distributed generation (DG), distributed storage and demand side management in this active network. Finally, it models both models in an integrated manner, resulting in an original hierarchical and coordinated model for the Planning and Operation of Electric Power Systems in the context of Smart Grids, Microgrids, Distributed Generation with Renewable Energies and Energy Management on the Demand Side. In the computational models of both planning and operation respectively, the uncertainties and reliability of the system will be modeled.

Title: Operation and Expansion Planning of Energy and Power Systems Considering Emerging Technologies.

Team: Prof. Clodomiro Unsihuay Vila.
Abstract: This research project aims to develop methodologies and computational modeling for planning the operation and expansion of power and energy and systems. This Project aims to study and develop themes on: Operation and Expansion Planning of Hydrothermal Systems considering the High Penetration of Renewable Energies such as Wind, Solar, Reversible Hydroelectric Plants, among others and Large-scale Storage; Planning of Operation and Expansion of Electric Power Systems Under Uncertainties considering Reliability; Planning of Electricity Transmission Systems; Planning of Operation and Expansion of Electricity Distribution Systems considering Quality and Reliability in the context of Intelligent Energies, Intelligent Electric Grids - Smart Grids, Microgrids, Demand Response and Intelligent Cities - Smart-Cities; Applications of MACHINE LEARNING / DEEP LEARNING / DATA DRIVEN / BIG DATA AND ANALYTICS in Operation Planning and Expansion of Electricity and Natural Gas Generation, Transmission and Distribution systems.

Title: Energy Planning/Management, Energy Efficiency Electricity Market/Regulation and Sustainable Development.

Team: Prof. Clodomiro Unsihuay Vila.
Abstract: In order to study the interactions between energy supply & demand and economic & socioenvironmental development, it is essential to develop integrated planning of medium and longterm energy resources using appropriate methodologies. The objective of integrated energy resource planning is to guide future government actions and public policies with a view to balancing the pace of economic growth, demand-side management, energy management, energy efficiency, increased sources and the reduction of economic and environmental costs aiming at sustainable development. Energy consumption has become inherent in any sector of the economy and the rapid increase in input has caused organizations to be concerned with sustainable consumption and energy efficiency. Thus, the need arose to implement an energy management system to address this issue. The institution of the Energy Management System (SGE) in internal policies establishes guidelines on: Energy efficiency; Conscious consumption; Renewable production; Reduction of polluting gases. ISO 50001 is an energy management system professionally instituted and supported by a technical standard. This standard establishes requirements that must be met by companies in order to guarantee a better energy performance and increase sustainable consumption to make the activities of organizations feasible. Electricity market and the Regulation questions also is studied in this project.

Title: Analysis of Electromagnetic Devices using Finite Elements.

Team: Profa. Juliana Almansa Malagoli.
Abstract: Electromagnetic devices use electrical energy to generate magnetism that will produce mechanical work. They are very important devices in the manufacture of home appliances, for example, the engine of a blender. In this project, it is intended to analyze some electromagnetic devices, for example, an actuator. The common thing is to use copper in its winding, but the objective will be to analyze different materials in the design of the actuator (copper, aluminum and magnesium) and to reduce the cost of materials in the manufacture of the devices. In addition, a tool is used to apply the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the electromagnetic force in the air gap of the device will be analyzed. Therefore, one can analyze several parameters of the devices (actuator, inductor, transformer and electric motor, for example) and compare with the different materials applied to the equipment using finite elements.

Title: Estimation of low frequency electromechanical modes in power systems by using uPMUs.

Team: Prof. Roman Kuiava.
Abstract: This research project proposes the development of a methodology for estimating low frequency electromechanical modes of power systems through the application of modal decomposition methods in signals collected, in real time, by synchronized phasor measurement units (PMUs - phase) measurement units. Different test systems will be used, both for generation and transmission systems, as well as for distribution networks with distributed synchronous or asynchronous generators. In the sequence, real signals from μPMUs (PMUs developed specifically for distribution networks and applications in microgrids) will be used installed in the low voltage electrical network (127 V) of the Campus Polytechnic and Agrarian UFPR in Curitiba, Paraná, and two others units installed in COPEL Distribuição SA distribution networks, in the cities of Palotina and Faxinal, both located in the state of Paraná.

Title: Development of Methodologies for Dynamic Security Analysis, in the Context of Transient Stability and Small Disturbances, of Electric Power Systems.

Team: Prof. Roman Kuiava.
Abstract: The main objective of the SEP dynamic security analysis in the context of transient stability is to identify (in real time), from a list of contingencies defined by the system operator, those that are critical to the system, that is, those that are unstable the system if they occur. On the other hand, the dynamic security analysis of a SEP in the context of dynamic stability has as main objective to evaluate (in real time) the damping of the electromechanical oscillation modes and the robustness of the stabilizers in operation, given the system's loading level and the current mains configuration. In this context, this research project aims to develop computational algorithms and analysis methodologies for assessing dynamic security in the context of transient stability and small disturbances of SEPs. In the context of transient stability, the development of filtering and contingency classification algorithms is sought through direct methods using the concept of stability margin in the first oscillation. In the context of dynamic stability, we seek to develop a methodology for real-time identification of electromechanical oscillation modes using modal estimation methods (ESPRIT and PRONY) and neural networks.

Title: Stability, control and operation of microgrids.

Team: Prof. Roman Kuiava.
Abstract: This research project aims to develop methodologies for stability analysis and control synthesis (inertia and damping, for example), in addition to the operating strategy (optimal dispatch of active and reactive power generation), for distribution microgrids, consisting of intermittent generation sources (photovoltaic and wind generation), in addition to conventional generation (or backup) and storage systems (batteries, flyweels, etc …).

Title: Monitoring stability of power systems via PMU-based real-time estimation of oscillatory modes.

Team: Prof. Ricardo Schumacher and Prof. Gustavo Henrique da Costa Oliveira.
Abstract: Monitoring oscillatory modes in interconnected power systems play a key role to infer about their stability, especially when they operate closer to their limits. In this context, numerical estimates of oscillatory modes can be obtained by analyzing electrical signals collected from PMUs (Phasor Measurement Units). Indeed, PMUs are data acquisition systems which extract, in real-time, power system signals. Operation frequency and phasor voltage are examples of signals collected from PMUs. Based on this information, it is possible to establish as the main objective of this research project the development of a system which monitors in real-time stability aspects of the Brazilian Interconnected Power (BIP) system. Such a monitoring system is expected to be built based on system identification techniques which estimate, via signals collected from PMUs, oscillatory modes from the BIP system.

Title: Methodologies for steady-state analysis of transmission and distribution systems in the new context of the electric power system.

Team: Prof. Odilon Luis Tortelli, Profa. Elizete Maria Lourenço.
Abstract: The growing participation of distributed sources in electric power generation joined with the use of advanced control devices are leading to new arrangements for the transmission and distribution networks and, therefore, new challenges to increase the efficiency and reliability of the power system operation. From this context, this project aims to develop methodologies for power system steady-state analysis that achieve these transformations, associated with smart grid and microgrid concepts.

Title: State Estimation for Emerging Transmission and Distribution Systems.

Team: Profa. Elizete Maria Lourenço.
Abstract: This project addresses developments related to power system state estimation considering the different voltage levels of the electrical networks and their distinct characteristics. The project takes into account the recent developments and technologies associated with the transmission and distribution networks, inserted in the concept of smart grids and advanced measurement infrastructures.

Title: Power Network Modeling at Bus-Section Level.

Team: Profa. Elizete Maria Lourenço.
Abstract: This project deals with the formulation and implementation of electrical network analysis tools considering the bus-section modeling of substations, through the explicit representation of switches and circuit breakers, with application in different areas of electrical power systems.

Title: Power Distribution System State Estimation: Modeling and Alternative Approaches.

Team: Profa. Elizete Maria Lourenço.
Abstract: This project brings together the fundamental formulations and alternative approaches associated with state estimation for power distribution systems aiming at editing a book on the theme, whose proposal has been approved by IET-Books publisher. The work has the participation of international researchers from academia and industry and will approach the subject systematically.

Title: AIPST - Development of intelligent systems approaches applied to optimization, time series forecasting, and control systems in electrical power systems.

Team: Prof. Leandro dos Santos Coelho.
Abstract: This project aims to analyse, design and validate computational systems based on models and/or algorithms of artificial intelligence and related areas in order to solve problems in electrical power systems including economic dispatch optimization, demand time series forecasting, power flow optimization, dynamic models related to renewable energies, multi-objective optimization of control systems, allocation of capacitor banks, among other applications.
Key-words: Electrical power systems, Artificial intelligence, Metaheuristics, Machine learning, Deep learning, Artificial neural networks, Time series forecasting, Control systems.

Title: Daily programming of microgrids and active distribution networks considering demand-side management.

Team: Prof. Alexandre Rasi Aoki.
Abstract: This project has the general objective of contributing to making the operation of micro-networks feasible in conjunction with the active distribution network through computational methodologies for the optimization of the daily operation schedule and pilot project. The scientific originality of the project is based on the modeling of microgrids considering distributed microgeneration and batteries within it. Within the micro-networks, management on the demand side is also considered through the optimal allocation of loads considering the flexibility of the loads within the consumer's electrical installation, seeking to reduce the peak demand of the feeder, reduce losses, increase the energy efficiency of the system. And yet, it considers the modeling of active distribution networks, considering distributed generation, distributed storage, and demand-side management in this active network. Finally, an attempt will be made to model the microgrid and the active distribution network in an integrated manner, resulting in an original hierarchical and coordinated model to simulate the daily schedule of the optimal integrated operation of microgrids and active distribution networks considering management on the side of the demand.

Title: Wide Area Control Platform with Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Distributed Control Analysis.

Team: Prof. Alexandre Rasi Aoki.
Abstract: This project has the general objective of contributing to the control of wide-area power systems based on the integration of data from computer operating systems (SCADA, PMU, and EMS) through data analytics techniques and machine learning. The project's development methodology includes the mapping and characterization of the PMU, SCADA, and EMS systems, as well as the development of integration and analytics methodologies of the data provided by the systems, making it possible to make the different data sources compatible, allowing automatic recognition of the current system topology. From these integrations and data analytics methodologies, a machine learning methodology focused on wide-area control will be developed. The intelligent methodology will access the data analytics and integration methodologies for the development of operating rules for distributed control analysis. The originality of the project is based on the application of machine learning techniques for the development of predictive models of some operational characteristic of the system aiming at distributed control analysis, and which can operate online, in which the model is continuously adjusted according to the operational dynamics of the system.

Title: Modeling Power Systems Passive Equipments for Transient Simulations.

Team: Prof. Gustavo Henrique da Costa Oliveira.
Abstract: Deriving models of passive dynamic systems are addressed in this project. This problem is relevant for several utilities and research centers in the electric sector that need reliable passive models of transformers, reactors, instrumentation transformers, cables, lines, etc. to carry out analyzes of the Electric Power System (SEP) dynamic behavior, in the occurrence of events on the network. Some of these analyzes deal with very fast electromagnetic transient simulations. The objective is to carry out practical experiments and develop techniques for estimating models of passive systems using a methodology known as macromodeling. These models will support reliable simulations and studies, aiming at the analysis and/or prevention of SEP equipment failures, both at Generation, Transmission, and Distribution levels.

Title: Dynamics in Power Systems and Microgrids with Renewable Energy Source.

Team: Prof. Gustavo Henrique da Costa Oliveira.
Abstract: Advances in electrical energy generation through renewable sources (for example, solar and wind) and the increase of its presence in the electric grid, create new challenges to ensure the quality of energy, stability, and reliability of the operation. These factors are relevant both for the renewable energy generation itself as well as to the distribution and transmission system in which the renewable generation is connected. The majority of these challenges are due to the intermittent nature of most renewable energy sources as well as the presence of new components, such as storage systems, voltage inverters, etc. This project is following the paths of a seminar R&D project developed at UFPR that proposed the implementation, monitoring, operation, and control of a hybrid microgrid located at UFPR’s Centro Politécnico Campus. Within this context, this project aims to analyze the dynamics of electrical grids (or microgrids) with renewable energy sources, in particular, aspects of stability, control, and simulation of electromagnetic transients.

Title: Power Electronics Applied to Distributed Generation, Energy Storage and Electric Vehicles.

Team: Prof. João Américo Vilela Junior.
Abstract: The development of voltage source inverters aimed at microgrids applications is a relatively recent area of investigation and there are a lot of research opportunities for improving the stability and reliability of microgrids. This research project aims to develop inverters with a robust decentralized control, which can also be used to enhance distribution grid power quality. Another important research focus is the development of microgrid control techniques to minimize the impacts of load transients. Centralized structures at different levels of hierarchical control will be evaluated in the microgrids operation in grid-connected and islanded mode. Variable-frequency drive for permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) will be studied to improve their performance and allow the batteries from electric vehicles can be used as energy storage.

Title: Monitoring and Control of Electrical Systems Using Advanced Data Processing Techniques.

Team: Prof. Ricardo Schumacher.
Abstract: Due to their operational complexity, current power systems require increasingly advanced data processing techniques for monitoring, diagnosis, and control. In the specific context of fault location in power systems, for example, the accuracy and speed with which such location is determined directly impact the quality of operation and maintenance. Another relevant example is the development of predictive control techniques for microgrids. In both of these areas, although several promising techniques exist in the literature, there are still important challenges to be overcome, especially with regard to the generalization of these techniques to a wide range of problems. With this in mind, the general objective of this project is to investigate and develop advanced techniques for control and monitoring of power systems based on data processing extracted from these systems. More specifically, the aim is to propose new advanced techniques for fault location based on data extracted by phasor measurement units (PMUs); as well as to propose new advanced techniques for predictive control to support microgrid operation.